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New Questions! (2022-11-23)
Online Buddhist Studies
International Buddhist Academy
Frank's Lectures
The 4 & 8 Sufferings......
The Buddhist Mindset: Jiri rita
By helping others I help myself........
The Six Good Deeds......
Sakyamuni Buddha...................
Six Good Deeds:
1. Kindness.............................
Six Good Deeds:
4. Making Effort (By Yuichi A.).........................
Six Good Deeds:
2. Keeping Your Word............
Six Good Deeds:
5. Self reflection...................................
Six Good Deeds:
3. Patience.............................
Six Good Deeds:
6. Wisdom ...........................................
The Law of Cause
& Effect part 1.............
The Law of Cause
& Effect part 2.........................
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