Seiko"I could have filed complaints if I wanted. But I chose to keep my promises no matter what the cost." - Kintaro Hattori
What Changed a Radish Seller's LifeEverybody makes mistakes. However, if you are given a chance to reflect on your mind and work hard, you will definitely be reborn.
The Story of Master HonenEven a person of fame and status is nothing but a person of delusion and all his efforts will come to nothing if he does not solve the cruci
The 4 and 8 SufferingsThe Four and Eight Sufferings teach of the inescapable sufferings of being human.
What is Enlightenment?Enlightenment is likened to climbing a mountain, at the summit you can see over everything.
What is Mottai Nai?The Japanese phrase "mottai nai" does not mean being stingy. It means we should use our resources with care.