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Question 1
Questions about Śākyamuni, who taught Buddhism:
a. What was his nationality?
b. What were his parents’ names?
c. What was his name before he attained enlightenment?
d. What is the name of the castle where he was raised?
e. When was his birthday?
f. What is the name of the place where he was born?

Answer(s) 1
a. Indian
b. Father’s name: Śuddhodana, Mother’s name; Māyā
c. Siddhārtha
d. Kapilavastu
e. April 8
f. Lumbini Park


Question 2
Questions about Śākyamuni, who taught Buddhism:
a. Write how old he was and the date when he left the castle.
b. Write his age of marriage.
c. Write the name of his wife.
d. Write the names of his literature teacher and martial arts teacher.
e. Write the age at which he attained buddhahood, as well as the date.4 | Buddhism Doctrine 01
f. Write the age at which he passed away, as well as the date.

g. About when was he alive?

Answer(s) 2
a. 29, February 8
b. 19
c. Princess Yaśodharā (or Yashodhara) 
d. Literature teacher; Baddarani, Martial arts teacher; Sendaidaiba
e. 35, December 8
f. 80, February 15
g. About 2,600 years ago

Question 3
Write the 52 levels of enlightenment taught in Buddhism.


Answer(s) 3
1. Ten faiths
2. Ten dwellings
3. Ten practices
4. Ten transferences
5. Ten grounds
6. Near-perfect enlightenment
7. Perfect enlightenment

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